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Comments and Feedback

The 5th Freiburg Forum on Evironmental Governance was a great success! Over 200 hundred people attended the event with genuine engagement! We hope to have inspired the audience and we thank for all the comments and feedback.

Audience2“Very enriching and truly revealing.”

“The conclusions of the documentary could have been exposed more clearly or summarized on at the end.”

“Apart from the focus areas (food, energy) you could have included other consumer goods (electronics, garments, furniture, etc.), where considerable changes can be made with little sacrifice.”

“Overall: good job MEGs!”

“Events like this help a lot… a mix of thinking and happiness is the way to change things.”

“Love your documentary – but… sustainable lifestyle is about so much more than buying seasonal food and cold showers!! Be more ambitious! What about textiles, electronic devices, mobility…?”

 “Disillusioned with life. Agriculture = better? Small scale? Large scale agribusiness = efficiency? Easier regulate for compliance. Easier to achieve environmental targets due to the size? Anti-growth – is there any mainstream economics that promotes anti-growth? Who is civil society? No governmental, no corporation, NGOs?”

 “Too MEG self-centered at the beginning!”

“Think global-act local is outdated.”

“All in all a very innovative, insightful event!”

“INDIVIDUAL – social choice and game theory – how what others do affect what I do. CORPORATION – enforcement: governments/ Global environmental governance must “set the stage”.”

“Even the end consumer is part of the community that benefits from land and agriculture. How to redefine profits into benefits? Knowledge of what benefits and for whom? Human nature is what it is! How much can individual really do? The most important reductions that can be made are out of our control.”


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