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Student's Papers

A crucial part of the preparation of the 2010 Freiburg Forum on Environmental Governance was choosing a relevant topic. At one stage, students agreed on the topic "The Power of Images in Environmental Governace". This theme later evolved to the "Role of New Media in Environmental Governance". In this section papers written by MEG students about both topics can be found.

File Online Social Networks for Knowledge Exchange across Distance and Diversity
Paper by Thomas Baumgartner, MEG 2008 student. This paper analyses the application of Online Social Networks to a professional context, particularly by enhancing communication and governance mechanisms accross the world. The analysis is based on Piotr Sztompka's theory of social change and his concept of social becoming, as well as on scientific literature and emprirical findings about the potentialities of Online Social Network for knowledge exchange. Finally, this paper contrast such overview with some observations of the HELP Forum, an online social network site which aims at facilitating knowledge exchange among the members of UNESCO´s Hydrology for the Environment, Life and Policy (HELP) programme.
File Society and New Media: Gaps and Bridges
Paper by Tatiana Cyro, MEG 2008 student
File The Power of Images in Environmental Governance: The Significance of Blogs, Social Networks and Web 2.0
Paper by Jospeh Alpern, MEG 2008 student
File Literature Review: The power of Images in Environmental Governance
Paper by Wansiri Rongrongmuang, MEG 2008 student. Studies on the power of images and visual interpretation are reviewed; some cases of powerful images are presented. These issues are linked to environmental governance: environmental communication, image as communication and educational tools and environmental implications of image use.
File The Power of Images on Environmental Governance
Paper by Jessica Bobinis, MEG 2008 student. The main contents of this paper are: mental imagery, organizational learning & policy preferences; effects of pictorial images on memory, emotions, behaviour and society and the power of images in environmental governance
File The Power of Images in Environmental Governance
Paper by Maria Cristina Espinosa, MEG 2008 student. This paper examines how images can influence the dynamics in which the relevant actors of the processes of governing the environment are involved. The first part attempts to define the notion of image From this point onwards, the power of images is evaluated at different layers: individual, societal, and international. The second part of this paper focuses on the individual layer, exploring a current debate of neuroscience regarding the relation between images and language and thought. Focusing on the societal level, the third section considers the role of mass media in the creation and diffusion of images. Subsequently, the power of images in democratic politics, social movements, and corporate governance is assessed. The fourth part of this review considers the Image Theory of International Relations, illustrating it with the example of the globalized images of environmental security in Africa.
File Communicating Through Photographs to Create Environmental Awareness and Influence Behavior Change. Background Paper
Paper by Catherine Mungai, MEG 2008 student. Images and in this case photographs are powerful tools which can be used to raise awareness about the environment; the problems and the solutions. They can also be used to engage actively with the public through competitions and on online portals. Notably, it is crucial to understand how human beings interpret messages and in so doing, design effective communication campaigns. This literature review paper attempts to address these issues and to show that though useful, photographs can also be misused and manipulated towards different ends. Resources about communication using images (photography) provided much information for this study as did resources about environmental governance. However, few addressed both subjects as one entity. During the literature review process I realised that photographs are used widely in communicating about the environment, this is especially so in websites, blogs, popular media and in different types of publications.
File The power of images in Environmental Governance
Paper by Linde Grießhaber, MEG 2008 student This essay seeks to explain how humans are influenced by images and how this knowledge can be used in environmental governance and in general in environmental awareness rising.
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