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New Media an Environmental Governance -an unsystematic approximation

16 April 2010 Dr. Michael Pregernig (MEG Program Director)

New Media an Environmental Governance -an unsystematic approximation

Photo by Simon Lude



What is "environmental governance"? What is "new media"? And how do these two topics relate to each other? Dr. Michael Pregernig, Director of the MEG program, depicted the singularities of these broadly used terms, and with relevant examples he rendered the connections between these topics comprehensible. His clear explanation of what he called an "unsystematic approximation" set the basis for the critical discussions about the role of new media in environmental governance in the following sessions. 


                                                  The participants attentive to Dr. Pregernig's presentation

Click here to download the presentation:

New Media an Environmental Governance -an unsystematic approximation


About the Speaker


pregernigDr. Michael Pregernig studied forestry with a focus on environmental and natural resource policy at BOKU in Vienna, and in 1999 he completed his PhD at the same university. Since May 2009, he has been a Professor at the Institute of Forest and Environmental Policy at the University of Freiburg and the director of the Master Program in Environmental Governance. Before taking up this position, he had worked as an assistant professor and researcher at BOKU, and was a research fellow for one year at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, USA. His research relates to the field of environmental governance in a broader sense, focusing on the role of science and expertise in environmental and natural resource policy, political conflicts around the distribution and use of natural resources, challenges of participation to foster legitimacy, trust and acceptance etc.



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